
Image of purple cactus. is a digital publication that seeks to showcase the unique culture and way of life in Sicily. The publication features articles and content that celebrate the region's cuisine, traditions, and local attractions, with a focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness. By providing readers with an in-depth look at the region's natural beauty and sustainable practices, aims to promote responsible and mindful living. The publication celebrates Sicily's rich cultural heritage while also encouraging environmentally conscious choices that support the local community and protect the natural environment.

Our art section is dedicated to two main areas: Artisanal Cuisines and Artists. Artisanal cuisine refers to handcrafted foods such as breads, cheeses, fruit preserves, cured meats, beverages, oils, and vinegars, made using traditional methods by skilled craftworkers who are also known as food artisans. In the fine arts, artisanal artists work in various mediums such as painting, illustration, and sculpture. Additionally, artisans who specialize in textiles, pottery, glasswork, and other areas are also featured in our section. Let’s unleash our creativity and create something amazing!

La nostra sezione d’arte è dedicata a due principali aree: Cucine Artigianali e Artisti. La cucina artigianale si riferisce a cibi fatti a mano come pane, formaggi, conserve di frutta, salumi, bevande, oli e aceti, realizzati utilizzando metodi tradizionali da abili artigiani del cibo, noti anche come maestri artigiani. Nelle belle arti, gli artisti artigianali lavorano in vari media come la pittura, l’illustrazione e la scultura. Inoltre, gli artigiani specializzati in tessuti, ceramica, lavorazione del vetro e altre aree sono presentati nella nostra sezione. Sfoderiamo la nostra creatività e creiamo qualcosa di sorprendente!